Periodically we will review or mention products and services on the website. If we believe it is a good product, and the merchant selling said product or service offers an affiliate program, we have no issue referring others to the product via an affiliate link, which means we may receive a commission or some form of compensation if you buy the product we recommend.

Why are we explaining this?

Because this website is proudly owned by Kiwis, we are not required to comply with the FTC affiliate disclosure policy, BUT we believe it is the right thing to do.

We would never falsely represent a product just to receive an affiliate commission. If you think the use of affiliate links taint the reviews or recommendations we write or post, you are welcome to leave this website – and be sure not to let the virtual door hit you in the arse on the way out.

Any income we make from this website goes towards the upkeep and improvements of this website and its staff.
